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JNT 634A Assignment 1 – Problem Statement Craft a 350 to-400-word Problem Statement

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Assignment 1 – Problem Statement
Craft a 350 to-400-word Problem Statement based on joint planning concepts learned in this course suite and the operational context provided in the material below. Your final product must demonstrate understanding of operational design concepts and describe the problem.
Before reviewing the specific scenario documents, watch this video for a quick refresher on important considerations when developing a Problem Statement.
Review Video Link Below

Regional Summary 2029 – This FICTIONAL reading consists of the regional summary that described pre-crisis conditions in the INDOPACOM region in 2029. The notional Joint Strategic Campaign Plan (JSCP) objectives given to USINDOPACOM were used in designing the notional combatant command piece of the China Global Campaign plan. They are listed here to help the student in designing the problem statement and operational approach.
Road to Crisis 2030 – This FICTIONAL reading consists of the major news and intelligence reports that described events in the run up to the crisis in the South China Sea in 2030. The notional National Security Directive and JCS WARNO provided at the end of this document directed INDOPACOM to start the planning efforts in this scenario.
INDOPACOM Reframing of the Environment 2030 – This document describes the FICTIONAL current and desired environments in INDOPACOM for the year 2030 for use with the assignments in this course.
South China Sea Map – This map of the Spratly Islands region is provided to help students understand where the fictional events in the scenario documents take place.
Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Planning . This doctrinal publication is provided for student reference.